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Smoking Vs. Vaping Dry Herbs: Which Is Better?

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The world has experienced digital disruption, and a lot has changed as a result. One such new invention is the way we consume dry herbs. Traditionally, smoking was the only way we knew. But today, you have the option of vaping dry herbs, which has gained popularity for great reasons. 

If you are planning to switch from smoking to vaping, this guide might help you decide. It’s a difficult decision, but once you switch, you will start having fun.

Smoking vs. Vaping: What’s Safer?

Vaping is generally considered safer. Smoking herbs like tobacco can damage your lungs, but vaporing can greatly reduce this. Smoking dry herbs or any other anything produces tar and other harmful by-products. Since combustion is happening, inhaling these toxic substances can mess up your lungs. Hence, vaping is recognized to be safer than smoking.   

How Is Vaping Dry Herb Better?

So vaping is healthier than smoking, but how does it improve your experience? Here are some reasons:

  • More Flavor

Vaping is known for producing more pronounced flavor. This is because you get to taste every profile of each strain distinctly. So, if flavor matters to you, vaping is the best option. However, do keep in mind the flavor diminishes towards the end of the session.  

  • Complete Control Over Temperature 

Obviously, you will be in complete control over the temperature. That’s what adjustable heating settings are for. However, if it’s your first time, you might have to adjust the temperature until it hits the right spot and you experience euphoria. 

  • Discreet Experience 

If it helps, vaping dry herbs or even marijuana doesn’t produce much odor, especially when consumed at a lower temperature. So you can vape low-key, and nobody will notice anything.

  • Better Utility 

Vaping lets you extract cannabinoids from the dry herbs progressively. This means you can enjoy multiple sessions from a single pack. In addition, it will be lighter in your pocket. 

Vaping does have its own set of owns. For instance, if you have switched to vape for the first time, you will need to learn how to use the device, set the right temperature, and ensure it’s charged when needed. Once you are done with your session, you will also have to clean it.  

Besides these general maintenance requirements, there is nothing much to worry about. You will get the hang of vaping in no time, and you wouldn’t want to go back from there!

The Final Decision is Yours

When choosing between smoking and vaping dry herbs, it all comes down to your preference. The main distinction between vaping and smoking is the heating element and the way each process warms up your dried herbs. The smoke you inhale when smoking dry herb is produced by burning at a higher temperature. On the other hand, vaporization uses convection heating and requires a lower temperature. If you want to take the healthier road and get the most flavor, then vaping is for you.

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