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How to Vape CBD? A Beginner’s Guide

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Among the many ways of consuming CBD, vaping is known to be the most efficient way. After all, it’s the fastest route of absorption. However, if you haven’t vaped before, this method may not be beginner friendly. 

Not sure what to do and where to start? We are here to help. People choose different ways of getting their cannabinoid boost. It could be either through gel caps, tinctures, or the tropical approach. To be honest, there are no wrong choices. However, Vaping CBD is considered to be the most effective way of taking the dose since it has the highest bioavailability. 

Choose the Dosage

When it comes to CBD, not getting enough won’t get you the benefits you want. Several factors affect the size of the dosage, such as your:

  1. Weight
  2. Diet
  3. Metabolism
  4. The medical condition that’s being treated 
  5. The severity of the condition
  6. Your tolerance to CBD

You can’t assume the dosage for CBD on your own. With any substance taken for medicinal purposes, it’s always best to consult your doctor. They should be able to provide you with clinical information regarding the dosage based on the medical issue you want to resolve. This way, you should be able to find your best dosage without worrying about the side effects. 

Prepare Your Device 

CBD is usually available in 50, 70, or 30 VG ratio, meaning the liquid is thin and can be best vaped at a low wattage. It’s also recommended to use plus ohm coil to vaporize the liquid and to make sure the coil doesn’t burn if you choose a higher temperature.

Follow these tips to prepare your vape:

  1. Use a plus-ohm coil, preferably above 1.0 Ω
  2. Set the device at a wattage under 20 watts
  3. Fill the tank of your vape with CBD e-liquid of your desired flavor 
  4. Make sure the coil is soaked properly
  5. Leave the liquid for about 5 to 10 minutes

It’s Time to Inhale

Once the vape reaches the desired temperature, it is time to take the hit. We suggest taking slow sips through the mouthpiece so you can soak the herbs properly and enjoy the experience simultaneously. 

Remember that the flavor will be light in the first few hits, but as your sessions progress, it will thicken up. 

With Vaping Less is More

It is said that when you consume CBD via vaping, less is more. How? Because vaping lets you taper back on the usual serving. How? As you inhale through the mouthpiece, a higher percentage of the compound is absorbed and used by your body. This means when you are vaping CBD, taking in less is more.

Summing Up

When shopping for a CBD vape product, always make sure the e-liquid is compatible with the vape. Pay attention to the ingredients and 3rd party tests the manufacturers perform for safety and potency. All this information is usually available on the manufacturer’s website. 

Hopefully, you are now ready to vape CBD for the first time.

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